Due to the large volume of incoming calls you must SELF schedule your behind the wheel lessons. Meaning you are responsible for scheduling your own lesson using the online scheduling portal.
Click here to learn how to use the scheduling portal ...
To request access to the portal click here
Keep in mind that what you read is as it reads. Follow the rules to scheduling. I will post precautionary measures to be taken later today 6/12/20 when we announce the scheduling portal is open to taking appointments.
Right now take this time to prepare. Any questions, ask them here no need to ask the same question on 5 different platforms then calling it delays response time and others who have the same question can find their answers here.
This is an exciting, frustrating and challenging time for us all let’s follow directions, read for understanding and focus on the bigger picture.
I am still waiting for access
We received over 800 request 3 human people are processing them most of which are multiple request from the same people and their cousins requesting for the same person. 1/3 don’t have learners permits and 1/3 only registered for the classroom sessions only. We have to humanly processed each application yes it says 48 hours during normal circumstances we are re-opening from a 10 forced shutdown. Please be patient we are getting to get application as quickly as we humanly possible.
I requested the portal four days ago and still no response ... Adaireous Coleman .... adaireousjr@gmail.com. Also I did not receive an email saying that I completed all the virtual lessons.
I have requested access and received an email but I’m not seeing how to access the actual portal
Stop sending multiple request for access to the scheduling portal it’s a reason why you can only submit one. Sending multiple request from multiple emails accounts only delay us in processing them. Everyone will get their lesson if you do not have a learners permit it’s STATES you need one why submit a request you will be denied. If you have a balance it must be paid 1st. If you only paid for the classroom sessions DO NOT REQUEST ACCESS UNTIL YOU PAY FOR THE BTW LESSONS. They are being denied and deleted yes once you pay you will have to submit another request.